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Advanced Use-Cases

If you are willing to dip your toes into the world of JavaScript, you can do quite a few interesting things with Meta Bind.

Performance Considerations

Dynamically creating input or view fields with JavaScript can have a performance impact, especially if you are doing it all over your notes.

Dynamic Bind Targets with JavaScript

You can use JavaScript to dynamically change a bind target based on another bind targets value.

This example demonstrates how to use a select input to change the bind target of a number input. The select input is bound to the index variable, and the number input is constructed to be bound to the list[index] variable.

- 1
- 2
- 3
index: 0
Index: `INPUT[inlineSelect(option(0), option(1), option(2)):index]`
{index} as index
const str = `\`INPUT[number:list[${context.bound.index}]]\``;
return engine.markdown.create(str)

Dynamic Options for Select Inputs

You can also use JavaScript to dynamically change the options of a select input.

- "1"
- "2"
- "3"
selected: 1
Options: `INPUT[inlineList:options]`
{options} as options
const options = => `option(${x})`).join(", ");
const str = `\`INPUT[inlineSelect(${options}):selected]\``;
return engine.markdown.create(str);