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Insert Into Note Button Action

This action inserts plain text or a Templater template at a specified line number into the note of the button.

interface InsertIntoNoteButtonAction {
type: 'insertIntoNote';
line: number; // the line number to insert the text at
value: string; // the text to insert or the path to the Templater template
templater?: boolean; // if true, the value is a path to a Templater template

If templater is true, the value field is treated as a path to a Templater template. If templater is false or not specified, the value field is treated as plain text.


This button inserts the text “Hello, world!” at line 3 of the note.

style: primary
label: Insert Into Note
type: templaterCreateNote
line: 3
value: "Hello, world!"
templater: false