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Update Metadata Button Action

The update metadata action allows you to update a specific property specified via a Bind Target. This property can be any valid Bind Target such as the frontmatter of a file.

interface UpdateMetadataButtonAction {
type: 'updateMetadata';
bindTarget: string; // the bind target of the property to update
evaluate: boolean; // whether to treat the value as a JavaScript expression
value: string; // the value to set the property to or the JavaScript expression to evaluate

If evaluate is set to true, the value is treated as a JavaScript expression and evaluated. The current value of the property is available in the expression as x.


This button group allows you to increment, decrement, and reset a counter stored in the frontmatter of the current file.

label: "+1"
hidden: true
id: "count-increment"
style: default
- type: updateMetadata
bindTarget: count
evaluate: true
value: x + 1
label: "-1"
hidden: true
id: "count-decrement"
style: default
- type: updateMetadata
bindTarget: count
evaluate: true
value: x - 1
label: "Reset"
hidden: true
id: "count-reset"
style: default
- type: updateMetadata
bindTarget: count
evaluate: false
value: 0
`BUTTON[count-decrement, count-reset, count-increment]` `VIEW[{count}]`